
Rotem was chosen by the NGA tender committee to lay the distribution network in the Jerusalem region which includes Jerusalem Mevasseret Zion, Kiryat Yaarim, Beit Shemesh and the Mate Yehuda Regional Council.

This is the 6th out of 6 regions for distribution networks as approved by the Natural Gas Council in the NGA. Four companies bid in the tender.

Rotem owned by Rimon Consultancy Services , Mer Industries and T.M.N.G will get a license to construct and operate the natural gas distribution network for 25 years. The network will supply gas to industrial and commercial consumers and in the future even to small consumers and household consumers in the area.

The NGA mapped the main areas of consumption to which the license holder would have to link up his network including the Givat Shaul industrial area, the Hadassa Ein Kerem hospital, the Hadassa Har Hazofim hospital, the Hebrew University on Har Hazofim, the governmental offices in the eastern part of the city, the police headquarters, Shaare Zedek, Kiryat Hamemchala (government headquarters), the Hebrew U at Givat Ram, the hotels at the entrance to the town, the Har Hazofim industrial area, the Atarot industria area, the Coca Cola junction, the Beit Shemesh industrial area.

Because of the complexity of the project, Rotem will be granted a 60 million shekel grant as he meets his defined milestones for development.

Gina Cohen
Natural Gas Expert
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